In the Community
Primrose is a strong community advocate and leader that does not believe in waiting for solutions to occur, but rather being a part of the solution. From writing to speaking, Primrose focuses on the importance of the community and finding effective ways to build bridges that creates positive results.

The Sisters Build and We PUSH Network is a supportive network of diverse women who truly believe in uplifting and empowering each other. Meetings in DeLand | Port Orange

Calling a Few Good Men is a call to action to encourage the men of our society to take an active role in the lives of boys moving towards manhood.

Primrose also hosts a FB live program called Cameron Chronicles Live, is a columnist for the West Volusia Beacon Newspaper and Triumphant Magazine and also a guest host for Deltona TV. Click here to see the videos on Facebook!

Sisters Build Network for Girls, Inc. is a non-profit and mentoring group for girls in grades 6th-12th meant to inspire and uplift our youth.