Summer of ……

Summer of ……

I know that summer officially started a month ago, but I have another reason to celebrate. On July 2nd, I will once again celebrate a God-given birthday. So this month is called Summer of Primrose. I am sharing this with you because seeing another day, within itself...
Celebrate your story….

Celebrate your story….

Everyone has a story? What’s yours? As a child, I remember the countless times moving from place to place with my family due to my father’s military career. I remember those times due to the happiness felt by being loved and having the opportunity to grow. I recall...
Nothing happens before time

Nothing happens before time

How many of you couldn’t wait to be a teenager? Then when you were a teenager, you couldn’t wait to be an adult? But then being 18 wasn’t as cool as being 21 and the list goes on and on. The fact of the matter is, just like my grandmother always...
Happiness is truly an inside job

Happiness is truly an inside job

I am not quite the best home decorator. I mean my living room curtains match my couch, but that’s about all. I have books everywhere, pillows upon pillows and artwork that has nothing to do with the theme of the home. It is safe to say that I will not be...