Isn’t life amazing? I used to hold my head down, now I hold it up. I used to speak softly, now I project my voice. I used to not want to be seen or noticed, now I am the queen of selfies.

I woke up one day and I decided to live. I encourage you to pay close attention to your family and friends. They may now be who I used to be and without support, may be suffering inside.

Let us not get sidetracked by the holiday cheer and glitter made sweaters and the Ho, Ho, Hos of the many Santa Claus figures that you may encounter this holiday season.

Let us not bury our heads in commercial giving with the accumulation of debt that may not go away for the next 7 years. We can not buy ourselves out of misery or create long-standing happiness for our loved ones by masking it with “stuff.”

Let us try something new for the first time by investing in ourselves, so that we can be stronger for others. Then let’s invest in the others.

Loneliness is real. Mental health issues are real.

But so is happiness, kindness and support. I challenge you to be real! I encourage you to gift the gift of support and kindness, so we all cross over into greatness after the holiday season. A watch or sweater makes a nice gift. But, the ability to feel good in your own skin is priceless. Help others gain that feeling of being prim and properly made.