I encourage you To P.U.S.H (pursuing underlying strengths and happiness)

This time of year, there are so many unpredictable changes to prepare for daily. The weather changes, our moods change and even our requirements of self begin to change. So now that you have successfully embraced change and the possibility for growth and success in 2019, what will you do next?

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

I find it quite comforting in knowing that the presence of God is a constant in my life. Despite the challenges and mishaps of 2018, there is so much to look forward to in this new season. Take this time to PUSH towards your destiny by following His steps.

There is a world out there for you to explore and untrodden territory with your name on it.

When life isn’t going right, go left, author unknown. Too often we remain in the state of recovery versus the state of recovering and moving on.  I can’t tell you that last year did not throw bumps and bruises my way. I can only share with you that I ducked every time and after over 20 years, I finally published my children’s book, started a non-profit for area youth and created a network for women to help and uplift one another. It is these accomplishments that brings smiles to my face. Whatever I thought I couldn’t do, I proved my self wrong and you can too.

As for the mishaps, they were learning opportunities that taught me what I don’t want and what I truly deserve. What have you learned in 2018 that you are willing to PUSH out of the way for 2019? What are some of your many accomplishments that took place, that you are now ready to give credit it to and move forward? Now is the time to pursue your underlying strengths and happiness. What do you need to help you P.U.S.H?