I love my weekly segments of Cameron Chronicles Live on Facebook because I have the opportunity to learn and discuss key concepts towards healthy living from inspirational guests.

Last week, I was left in awe with the drive presented by Javi Renee, a phenomenal artist and owner of Poppin and Art of the Hustle and also a key member of T.I.’s The Grand Hustle on BET.

She made so many profound points of keeping the course and building a brand, but there was a significant message that I heard loud and clear: “I choose me.”

So often I have expressed this message of self-love and self-empowerment, but it was so refreshing to hear from a brilliant mind, who also decided to take the path less travelled.

It is all too common to neglect self and take care of the world around you.

We wear so many hats for so many people, it becomes challenging to find time to do what we love and engage in what drives us.

I encourage you to remove some of the layers that hinder you from personal growth! I ask that you remove guilt and remorse for the things that you have no control over and take control of what matters most: you!

Let this be this week’s affirmation: I Choose Me!

This is not because you are selfish or don’t care, it is because your life depends on it! The more that you take care of yourself and pursue your goals, the more that you are able to support your family and friends!

I Choose Me and so should you!!! Your family will love you for it!