Finding peace…..

Finding peace in the mist of turmoil is like searching for a rainbow in the mist of a storm. I invite you to do it anyway. As we are preparing for Dorian in many parts of the world, I can only think of the many years as a Florida resident, I have had to prepare for...

PUSH because your life depends on it

I encourage you To P.U.S.H (pursuing underlying strengths and happiness) This time of year, there are so many unpredictable changes to prepare for daily. The weather changes, our moods change and even our requirements of self begin to change. So now that you have...
The gift of forgiveness

The gift of forgiveness

During these most festive times, there will be mixed feelings amongst many friends and family members that you may meet or see over Christmas dinner or while out shopping. I encourage you to not get raveled in the gift of giving or getting and finding the perfect sale...
Celebrate your story….

Celebrate your story….

Everyone has a story? What’s yours? As a child, I remember the countless times moving from place to place with my family due to my father’s military career. I remember those times due to the happiness felt by being loved and having the opportunity to grow. I recall...
Your assignment

Your assignment

This month my heart is set on the importance of accepting our assignments. This message has been shared with me throughout the month by spiritual leaders, motivational speakers and inner voice. For so long, I refused to accept that my life was set for causes much...