Inflammation released

Three years ago, as I visited my family home in Jamaica (as I do annually), I fell on the hill. This happened not once, but twice. Yep, I fell with no saving me in site. In fact, it hurt so badly that I hopped around the airport in tears and later decided that I had...

Prim and Properly Made

Isn’t life amazing? I used to hold my head down, now I hold it up. I used to speak softly, now I project my voice. I used to not want to be seen or noticed, now I am the queen of selfies. I woke up one day and I decided to live. I encourage you to pay close attention...
Your assignment

Your assignment

This month my heart is set on the importance of accepting our assignments. This message has been shared with me throughout the month by spiritual leaders, motivational speakers and inner voice. For so long, I refused to accept that my life was set for causes much...

What should I tell the old me?

Today I want to share with you a little secret. Every time I see someone step into negative territory I want to say: “stop, you don’t want to do that because………” But then I remember that there are some things that are inevitable and...
People Need People

People Need People

As I travel across the United States and beyond, I can not forget about my time as a child. Life seemed so much simpler back then. Everything was perfect either in real life or make-believe. I still believe in the perfect world that I created. However, it is no longer...